Yes, you can use Paypal Pay in 4. Select Paypal on the checkout page.

Yes, simply go to the registration page, click register now and select if you are a member or non-member. You will then be presented with all available activities. Just add the activities you wish to attend.

  • If you are also registering yourself go to the registration page and select if you are a member or non-member. You will then be presented with all available social functions. Add extra tickets for your guests. Please add any special dietary requirements for all guests when asked.
  • If you have already registered yourself previously and are now only registering a guest, simply go to the registration page, select if you are a member/non-member and then only add how many guest tickets you need and follow the registration process. Please add any special dietary requirements for each guest when asked.

You will be asked during the registration process to list your dietary requirements. If you have any concerns or updates, please email [email protected] to discuss.

Yes – Please let us know as soon as possible so we can factor this in to the dinner seating plan. Contact [email protected]

Go to the courses page and click on which course you wish to enrol in and follow the prompts. Alternatively, browse and enrol in a course via our course calendar.

As per the terms and conditions: Cancellations on or before 30 days prior to the event will incur a $150 cancellation fee.

Cancellations on or after 15 days prior to the event will receive no refund.

Please email [email protected] if you have extenuating circumstances.

View the SWIMCON terms and conditions

Unless you have a paid ticket to the conference you will not be permitted at the venue, nor will you be able to access the catering included with a paid conference ticket. To avoid embarrassment, if you wish to attend the conference, please purchase a conference ticket here.

Unless you have a paid ticket to the conference you will not be permitted at the venue, nor will you be able to access the catering included with a paid conference ticket. To avoid embarrassment, if you wish to attend the conference, please purchase a conference ticket here.

Contact details:
Phone +61 7 5494 6255
Email [email protected]
Postal Address PO Box 156, Buddina
Queensland 4575
SWIM Coaches & Teachers Australia main website

Expressions of interest close 30th April 2025. Outside of that  any enquiries, or if you have a pressing topic these should be directed to [email protected]